Sharp Shooter.
Tu semua ayat poyo.
Ha ha.
Smooth talker?
I don't need them.
I've reached the age which sweet pillow talk doesn't have any effects anymore.
Especially coming from a kiddo like you.
Buat aku rasa geli geleman je.
Bukan rasa nak geli geli bak kata Ita.
And yes, memang aku mengada-ngada kalau on the fon dengan dia.
Apa salahnya pun?
Coz he's doing the same thing.
And we enjoy talking on the phone very much.
Tapi takde la sampai tahap ni:
"All this while, i thought people that falls in love by just talking on the phone are stupid, but now, i think i'm stupid".
Ha ha....
We enjoy the company, the voice, the things that we talked about.
There's no harm, anyway, right?