Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bila aku tak gemar someone, I tend to be annoying towards him or her. I mean, very annoying. It’s not a test, to see whether you are patience with me or not, I am like this. So, bila kau rasa cara aku YM, SMS ataupun bercakap mcam nak tak nak, or aku reply dengan ayat yg menyakitkan hati, stop. Because you should know by now yang aku tak suka kau. You don’t expect me to tell you straight that I don’t like you, get out of my life now, do you? Aku pun tak diajar untuk kurang ajar macam tu. Dan aku dah malas nak buat-buat suka kat orang yang aku tak suka sebab simpati. Malas.

Mengaku je la that u r married, ape susah sangat? We are not born yesterday la weh, we knew. Saje je layan perasan ko yg konon2 belum kawen tu. Ingat aku ngan kawan aku ni bangang sangat ke?

  Listen, i know you are watching what i'm doing. So long i finish my work, i don't think it's a problem if i want to take a bre...