Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Believe or not to BELIEVE?


"Kalau bby nak tau, B dah anggap bby mcm nyawa B sendiri."

Owh please.
You think i will melt like a 16 year old schoolgirl if you send me that sms?
Hello! Reality check. 10.07.1980.
You want to know what i feel while reading that sms?
I feel like slapping you. Hard. And i also feel like wrenching my gut and throw out everything that is in my stomach.
I feel sick. To every inch of muscles, bones, nerves and everything.

I need to stop all this.
All this sweet pillow talk.
Been there. Fuck that. Ha ha.
I've heard almost all this shitty things called pick up line. And sweet pillow talk.
You can't get into my pants if you can fit into it.
Get it?
Get a grip. Grow up.
I dont fall for that kind of shit anymore. Anymore.

Sedar la lelaki oi.
Bukan semua perempuan akan jatuh melutut depan kangkang kau kalau kau 'berayat' macam tu.
Sikit sikit sudah.
Cukupla dengan your care, your love (if there's one) and lovey dovey smses.
Tak payah la buat ayat camtu.
I'm one of a kind, remember?
Ayat ayat macam tu hanya buat aku rasa menyampah.
Yang amat sangat.
Dan juga buat aku tumbuh tanduk.
Dan juga buat aku rasa macam nak test engkau.
Maka, my alter ego akan keluar.
Remember Liya?
Yes. She's back.
But this time, not with a vengeance.
This time, she wants to mess around.
Lagipun dah lama dia duduk dalam almari.
Sian dia.
Pulak tu, almari tu takleh gi Narnia. Double kesian.
So, be prepared.
Sebab selain Liya, aku juga ada Chah.
Kan Chah, kan?

  Listen, i know you are watching what i'm doing. So long i finish my work, i don't think it's a problem if i want to take a bre...